Wholesale Coffee

Moore Coffee fresh roasted premium Wholesale Coffee .

Gayla has been wholesaling her fresh roasted, quality coffees for almost as long as she has been roasting coffee. As soon as she started to carry bulk teas, she began wholesaling those as well. Gayla maintains her high standards for freshness, consistency, and quality regardless of the size of her orders. And her belief in the highest customer service and satisfaction apply to her wholesale customers as well. We now offer private labeling.

Gayla checks in with all of her wholesale customers on a regular basis, ensuring that the coffee and tea that they are selling meets their needs and notifying them of any new coffees or teas as they become available.

To further personalize her relationships with her wholesale customers, she has often worked with them individually to create custom blends. She has also created custom tea blends as customers have requested bulk teas that they used to drink from tea bags.

Should you be interested in carrying fresh roasted, high quality coffee and tea in your establishment, please call us. Gayla would be more than happy to discuss your individual needs as well as wholesale pricing and availability. Please call (805) 643-8060 or you can also send your email to gayla@moorecoffee.com. You can be assured that Gayla will contact you as soon as possible, usually the same day. She will wholesale all items that are seen on the website. Please call for price lists and other information

Thank you for your interest in Moore Coffee & Tea. We look forward to doing business with you.

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